Meet Doreen Soila our Ambassador


MaaFleva Entertainment in partnership with Hope Beyond Foundation has started a campaign which will see men and boys brought to the centre of Menstrual Health Management conversation.

“I’m the ambassador for the project and part of my work is to engage the creative industry so that we can harness its support in this program. For our radio programs, we are looking at talk shows and news features whose content is youthful, insightful and engaging. Young people are drawn highly to entertainment and we are using creative arts and outreach services to pass our message which is key in behavioural change,” says the 18-year-old.

The project is set to be rolled in three counties Kajiado, Narok and Samburu and will see thousands of youth trained on MHM, with the conversation being driven using creative arts.

“We know and appreciate the impact of performance-based arts especially music, poetry and dancing. Through this, we are challenging artists to come up with content that can be curated for multimedia use to help spread this gospel. If fellow youth join hands, we will do it in a fun way that is captivating and drive the message home,” intimates Soila.